Sunday, October 12, 2014

Digitial Badge #G

 Chapter 10: Promoting Success for All Students through Technology

The 3 concepts I will reflect on this chapter are the following:

1) Roles of technology: Technology offers many benefits to all students. The textbook gives a very good example of how beneficial technology is when it comes to learning. "For a student who is struggling with math learning, accommodations might include individual tutoring, interactive math websites and apps, ans self-paced exams without the pressure to complete problems quickly"(Maloy, 2013). Students now have the opportunity to take a class online and find an online tutor. Also, teachers enroll their students in math related online program were they are assigned homework so they can do them at home at their own pace and with online help. 

2) Assistive technologies: This is great benefit for students with a disability like hearing or vision impairment. It makes it possible for  them do things that they are no able to do. It facilitates learning for them and they won't be left out from other students. "Assistive technologies make it possible for individuals with hearing, sight, mobility, or cognitive challenges to translate text and understand spoken words and data with the aid of a supportive tool"(Maloy, 2013).

3) Writing Transformations with technology: I picked this concept to reflect on since I can relate to it because I didn't enjoy writing in school due to my lack of confidence and the pressure. I will sit and stare for a long time at a blank sheet of paper trying to make up a tittle and ideas to start writing. Now when I do it on the computer and having access to the internet I can look up ideas and have no problem coming up with my own to start writing. I do enjoy making powerpoint presentations and creating comic strips. Technology makes it more interesting for writing since there are many formats available like e-book with an e-publishing app or photo stories with a program that has a combination of pictures and text.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
What is Assistive Technology (A.T.) [Video file]. (n.d). Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. FlipQuiz has some great opportunities for assessment, study and even collaboration among students. It can extend learning when students (depending on level) can create their own quizzes, as well. Nice job on giving it a try.

    Writing can be intimidating for many students! Whatever tools we can use to help students recreate their thoughts 'on paper' are effective. I can only imagine the freedom some students have in writing on the computer when their daily lives are consumed by some kind of technology. :) Hopefully, we can find activities, such as blogging, etc to help them feel comfortable and then really show what they know!
