Wednesday, December 10, 2014


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 My experience in EME2040 was very good and helpful. I learned many things that I did not know before which I know will help me when I become a teacher. I will be using this new skills I learned in this class in my future classroom. I know the basic to use the computer but I am not so good using technology. I know how to create a PowerPoint and how to add images and videos. I never really hyperlinked anything and I never heard about using delicious to bookmark websites until I learned it in this class. Also, I don’t recall having any of my past teachers using rubric or maybe I never paid attention. I am glad I got to learn about it though. I enjoyed writing and reading the discussions. For the first I got the opportunity to create a blog. I have to say I am not so good at creativity but I did like doing the digital badges because I got to learn and use tools that I never used before. So for me most of the stuff that I learned in this class was completely new like the webquest and creating a wikipage. I have to admit that if we were not given the digital badge assignments on the chapters of the textbook I doubt I would have read it. I am glad that I did read the textbook because it is a very good reference and has interesting information regarding using technology. I did find that working on the lesson plan as a group was complicated. I would have rather done it myself. But in overall I enjoyed taking this class online this semester.

Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education: iPad, Tablet, Computer, Listening Centers [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from