Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Created on Bitstrips

 My experience in EME2040 was very good and helpful. I learned many things that I did not know before which I know will help me when I become a teacher. I will be using this new skills I learned in this class in my future classroom. I know the basic to use the computer but I am not so good using technology. I know how to create a PowerPoint and how to add images and videos. I never really hyperlinked anything and I never heard about using delicious to bookmark websites until I learned it in this class. Also, I don’t recall having any of my past teachers using rubric or maybe I never paid attention. I am glad I got to learn about it though. I enjoyed writing and reading the discussions. For the first I got the opportunity to create a blog. I have to say I am not so good at creativity but I did like doing the digital badges because I got to learn and use tools that I never used before. So for me most of the stuff that I learned in this class was completely new like the webquest and creating a wikipage. I have to admit that if we were not given the digital badge assignments on the chapters of the textbook I doubt I would have read it. I am glad that I did read the textbook because it is a very good reference and has interesting information regarding using technology. I did find that working on the lesson plan as a group was complicated. I would have rather done it myself. But in overall I enjoyed taking this class online this semester.

Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education: iPad, Tablet, Computer, Listening Centers [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Digital Badge #L

Chapter 12: Integrating Technology and Creating Change as Teacher Leaders

The three concepts I will reflect on in this chapter is the following:

1) Features of a Technology-Integrated Classroom: Not so long ago I noticed the new technology features being used in school and it is rapidly changing. I still remember watching a movie in a government course I took in my first year of college related to the republic and democrat parties. The professor had brought a heavy TV with a DVD player from the media room to the class and that was in 2009. This is how I remembered watching any films in middle and high school. Just a few weeks ago I finished doing my observation hours at my local middle school and the history teacher played a YouTube video from his computer to the projector and to the interactive whiteboard. It was the same film movie I watched in that government course. There was no need to take out the old TV and DVD player. "Some observers define a technology-integrated classroom as a "smart classroom", equipped with computers or tablets connected to the internet, a digital projector, a DVD player, an interactive whiteboard, digital pens, a videoconferencing system, and other interactive tools" (Maloy, 2013).

2) Technology Integrating Issues: I think one big issue I will face when I become a teacher is having to create stuff online for my students since I am not so good at using technology and I find it time consuming. The book mentions that some teachers use technology as a reward. "Youngsters who behave well or finish assignments quickly get to use technology as a reward; students who misbehave or fail to get work done on time are denied computer use as a punishment" (Maloy, 2013). I find this interesting because I remember that my elementary and middle school teachers used this and it worked. I would always try to finish my classwork quickly so I can have the last 15 minutes to play games on the computer.

3) Interactive Digital Textbooks: From all this new technology changes in education I believe that best part of it is not having to carry those heavy textbooks around anymore. I like to use E-Books because I can access them on my phone not just the computer. I have so many textbooks at home that are taking so much space in my closet and I don't use them anymore because every year there is a new edition. I feel so bad throwing them away. There is no need to buy highlighters or to write on the textbooks. I can do that all of that on the E-Book.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Digital Badge #K

Chapter 6: Fostering Online Learning with Educational Websites and Apps

The 3 concepts that I will reflect on is the following:

1) Bookmarking is one of my favorite tools that I use when I am online. I always bookmark almost every site that I find important to me that I want to go back later. While I was reading the textbook I came across Cloud computing which is replacing bookmarking.  I have an iCloud account with my Apple devices and everything stored in my iphone is stored in the other Apple devices. I imagine that Cloud computing works the same way. "Cloud computing means using the Internet, rather than a personal computer or local network, to store and retrieve files" (Maloy, 2013). 

2)WebQuests "are online inquiries by students that are designed and guided by teachers" (Maloy, 2013), It is something I am completing new at. It is the first time I hear about this and actually working on creating one. I have never used this throughout my years I have been in school and none of my teachers has this until now.I believe it is probably because when I was in elementary not all the students had access to a computer outside of school. I hope I am able to successfully master in creating WebQuests so I can use it when I become a teacher. I find it very interesting and fun to use in students. 

3) Online Learning and Virtual Schools has its benefits but I also notice the disadvantages which is that I can't really meet new people and socialize. My first time taking online classes was my second semester of college. I sometimes finding that I have more tasks than a regular class on campus but I do like its benefits which is that I don't have to drive all the way over there since I live an hour away. I also like the flexible schedule which doesn't get in the way of my job. I get out of work very late sometimes and I am mostly online after midnight and no classes are available that late on campus. The textbook does measure the biggest drawback I find in virtual classes which is isolation.  "Critics of virtual schools cite not only the lack of full-time teachers, but also the isolating nature of the online experience" (Maloy, 2013). I have never considered being an online teacher. I wonder how that must be and if it is better than teaching on campus.

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Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Social Bookmarking in Plain English, for the rest of us [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

What's A Webquest? [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Digital Badge J

Poster created on Canva

Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Digitial Badge #G

 Chapter 10: Promoting Success for All Students through Technology

The 3 concepts I will reflect on this chapter are the following:

1) Roles of technology: Technology offers many benefits to all students. The textbook gives a very good example of how beneficial technology is when it comes to learning. "For a student who is struggling with math learning, accommodations might include individual tutoring, interactive math websites and apps, ans self-paced exams without the pressure to complete problems quickly"(Maloy, 2013). Students now have the opportunity to take a class online and find an online tutor. Also, teachers enroll their students in math related online program were they are assigned homework so they can do them at home at their own pace and with online help. 

2) Assistive technologies: This is great benefit for students with a disability like hearing or vision impairment. It makes it possible for  them do things that they are no able to do. It facilitates learning for them and they won't be left out from other students. "Assistive technologies make it possible for individuals with hearing, sight, mobility, or cognitive challenges to translate text and understand spoken words and data with the aid of a supportive tool"(Maloy, 2013).

3) Writing Transformations with technology: I picked this concept to reflect on since I can relate to it because I didn't enjoy writing in school due to my lack of confidence and the pressure. I will sit and stare for a long time at a blank sheet of paper trying to make up a tittle and ideas to start writing. Now when I do it on the computer and having access to the internet I can look up ideas and have no problem coming up with my own to start writing. I do enjoy making powerpoint presentations and creating comic strips. Technology makes it more interesting for writing since there are many formats available like e-book with an e-publishing app or photo stories with a program that has a combination of pictures and text.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
What is Assistive Technology (A.T.) [Video file]. (n.d). Retrieved from