Sunday, August 31, 2014

Becoming a 21st Century Teacher

While I was reading Chapter 1 it came to my mind how technology has change our lives a lot. Everything we do involves the use of technology not just at work and school also in our home. Now our children are using technology more than ever and maybe that is why teachers are now using it in school for education. The three concepts that I believe is the most important to becoming a 21st century teacher is digital childhood, technology-based learning environment, and digital identity.

Digital Childhood describes how children are growing up around technology since infancy. I can't relate that much to this concept because i grew up using pencils and paper. Technology was not used that much when i started school In fact I remember that there was still no computer lab or computers in the school library or in the classrooms and my teachers were still using chalk board. But I can relate it to my son because he is only 5 years old and he already owns an ipad and he knew how to use a computer before he started kindergarten this year. I took him to school late one time the past week because i had an early appointment with the doctor and to my surprise he walked me to the computer lab were his teacher and his classmates were. I was amazed how the school system is having children that young use computers to do math and reading. It is not like years ago that teacher use to read to students and have them read along. Now the computer does it for them. I cant trust my son with his ipad alone to do school related stuff because he knows how to download games and get on youtube. I have to be watching him closely to make sure hes not playing games. Its amazing though, how children are becoming so advance in using technology while some parents and teachers are trying to catch up.

According to the textbook, Technology-based learning environment provides "new possibilities for extending the classroom beyond the school day"(Maloy, 2013) and I completely agree because it will allow teachers to help each student individually which is something they cant really do in class with the amount of time they have to teach. I had a hard time with homework when I started school because my parents sometimes could not help me do them. The reasons they couldn't help was because my homework were mostly in english and they only knew spanish. If I didn't know how to do the homework I had to wait the next morning and hope to find my teacher in class before the bell rang to get her to help me to do it. Now teachers  have the opportunity to take advantage of technology-based learning environment to help their students with their homework outside of school and any questions or difficulties students may have they can easily get on their electronic device to email the teacher or watch any tutorial videos or posts their teachers could have online. Students will not have the problem of falling behind in class with this new technology.

Now the most important concept that I found in the textbook that leads to becoming a successful 21 st century teacher in my opinion is digital identity. This concept its about teachers' knowledge in computers and technology and the use of it in their daily lives as professionals. In the textbook it states that "a digital identity is a statement of personal commitment to innovation and change within their profession"(Maloy, 2013) .When I was in high school my teachers were just starting to use technology more in the classroom and a couple of them were having some trouble because they were still learning how to use it. I was amazed when I first used a clicker in a college course. I thought it was so cool. There was no need to raise my hand and worry about saying the wrong answer in front of everyone. I also noticed the everyone in class would take out their ipads or tablets to write their notes instead of notebooks. They were able to access the teacher's  PowerPoint in their devices and able to go back to any slide without having to interrupt the teacher to do it. Teachers are able to create very eye-catching PowerPoints and keep the students entertained while learning at the same with this new technology. They have become so good at using technology. It has changed the way teaching used to be to a better advancement for both the teachers and students.

Digital childhood, technology-based learning environment and digital identity connects to becoming a 21st century teacher. Knowing that children are growing up around technology it is very important for teachers to know how to use it not just for the classroom but for outside of it too. I hope that by the time I become a teacher I already have my digital identity built. I still have more things to learn about technology before becoming a teacher.

New technology causes concern about effect on childhood development

I want to share the above video which is about the concerns of parents of their children using this new technology. Technology has its advantages but as a parent it does give me some concerns about the use of too much technology in children.

Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job on getting your first post accomplished - and with a relevant video, too! :)

    You identified worthwhile concepts from the introductory chapter and reflected on them with professionalism and personal touches, as well. It will certainly be interesting to go through this semester with not only the 'eyes' of a future teacher, but also the 'eyes' of a parent of a young student. There certainly are advantages to technology in the learning process, but often it gets abused and/or not used effectively. Remember that technology really didn't come with an 'instruction manual' and all of us are learning as we go along! :) In addition, the basics of ethics need to be considered in using technology.

    For future, be sure you need to put the YouTube video in APA format in the Resource section.
